
Monday, 16 March 2009

Jenn and I.

Kul dag...
Jag läste just det slutgiltiga mailet från Camp Augusta och tyvärr kommer jag inte att åka dit i sommar. Anledningen var att jag inte hade nog mycket erfarenhet men hade alla andra erfarenheter och spirit som de sökte.
Jag ORKAR INTE ta tag i allt detta igen, men det är väl bara att bita ihop och göra det för det finns camp som KOMMER att ta emot mig det vet jag och jag fick så mycket positiv respons av detta att det bara måste gå. Det är bara besvärligt.

"Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, life and heartwith us. We enjoyed speaking with you on the phone and reading yourapplication. A couple of staff here read it when it first came in andall commented on your brightness of spirit and the spark of life wesensed from you. That sense continued to grow the more Jenn and I gotto know you. We appreciated your thoughts on horses and horsemanshipand the dedication you have for working with horses. We also sensedthat you are at point in your life of branching out.

Jenn and I both think you would enjoy working at a summer camp. It isa great opportunity to meet different people and see a new part of theworld while having a lot of fun. After careful consideration anddiscussion, we feel it is not quite the right time for you to be atCamp Augusta. This year the goal for the horse program is for it toexpand and grow in ways it hasn't before. To do that, we are lookingfor someone with more experience, both with horses and with teaching,to help me foster that growth. In terms of spirit, desire and love forthe positive side life, you possess the characteristics we are lookingfor in a person for Camp Augusta. We feel like you would be a very hard worker and a good instructor for the campers but we're lookingfor just a little bit more depth of experience this year. We would like to encourage you to apply back to Camp Augusta with a year or twomore experience with the world and possibly with other camps.

ÅH vad jobbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggttttttttttttttttt. Men i helvete att detta ska få mig att inte ta mig till USA i sommar! Nu är det bara att hitta något annat spännande camp att ansöka till! Jag hade bara SÅ gärna jobbat med hästar i sommar. Sak samma, nu får det blir som det blir och kanske Camp Augusta nästa år?

Now it's gonna get harder
and it's gonna burn brighter
and it's gonna feel tougher each and every day
so let me say, that i love you
you're all I've ever wanted
all I've ever dreamed of to come
and yes you did come

1 comment:

Mliie said...

Men åh, va tråkigt! ja som trodde det nästan var färdigt och klart att du skulle få åka dit när de höll på att ringa och ha sig >_< Men det kommer säkert fler chanser!